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  • Kesa

    March 31, 2023 at 9:51 am

    Does anyone know if Mark has a list of questions he sticks to with a magistrate for unregistered vehicle and suspended drivers license I’m going to court in two weeks this would be very helpful

    • morag-janet-of-the-hill-family

      March 31, 2023 at 11:26 am

      You need to immediately start a 3 step process with the police or whoever is making claims against you. Module 19 has templates you can use for this and Module 17 for Court Role Play

  • Kesa

    March 31, 2023 at 10:16 am

    Referring to the topic viruses and Viology it’s all a mess made up from the germ theory lie there are no viruses you’re just detoxing

  • morag-janet-of-the-hill-family

    March 31, 2023 at 5:27 pm

    Even though people call the pirates ‘the elite’ they are really the class that lives off others so they are in fact parasites, the lowest of the low, they will not, no, cannot live without a host

  • morag-janet-of-the-hill-family

    March 31, 2023 at 5:33 pm

    How did these people (anonymous) become the experts? It seems the only ones who really know what the parasites are up to are the parasites themselves or some chosen agents. This group could be chosen agents perhaps. Apparently one of the rules the mafia class live by is to give full disclosure and hide the truth in plain sight so we can’t say the contract did not have full disclosure. Now it is up to us as to whether we continue to believe the MSM narrative or do we start to prepare for what is coming by learning how to safely deal with these dead entities within their own system whilst at the same time learning to operate in private and out from under them as well.

    • Ant_made

      March 31, 2023 at 7:45 pm

      I don’t concentrate on Anonymous, as much as the info given. Piece together with what I feel and connect with other info. There is definitely more to us than what we are told. Our bodies are amazing and the only thing wrong, is we are bombarded with so much crap and we don’t even know our full potential. I thought there was some good information explaining Blood, Antigens, RNA, DNA, and what is effecting us. What is the moto of The Powers at be, regarding Karma. If they show us and we do nothing about it, then the Karma is on us.

      Virus, a word with double meaning and no full concrete evidence to it’s existence or at least the way it is told. Exosomes or a solvent, some are saying. If you think of word play and look at the computer terminology of a virus, where the computer gets a corrupted code, changes and takes control of it. Is it more like that? The Toxins/vaccines are the virus and have been changing our codes to our Genome, DNA and Chromosomes. Turning off and on signals and causing mutation in our bodies. Chemical imbalances is rife through this system and we all have allowed it. Autism, Down syndrome, Parkison’s, Allergies, Alzhieimer’s, etc, etc, have all increased over the years. All the fake virus Ebola, Swing-flu, Aids, and so on, are just names given to Toxicity to the body to deflect the true cause. So much info to contradict the narrative sold to the masses and so much cover up of the truth or anyone that proves a different theory. Apparently there are over 72,000 papers that have been written by Doctors, Scientist and other professionals, over the last 100 years , that Pharmaceuticals are the main cause of Pneumonia, another deflection.

  • morag-janet-of-the-hill-family

    April 1, 2023 at 11:13 am

    It’s so good to hear you saying those things, there are so few people that really understand the lengths to which they go to delude and harm us. I totally agree with your breakdown of the mischief they have been up to for generations.

    • Ant_made

      April 1, 2023 at 4:52 pm

      Thank you.

      Morag and to any others. I feel like I owe an apology for using a word last week in Ardern’s name. I have been frustrated with Convid and it shouldn’t be an excuse to use it. It hasn’t sat right with me and watching a section of this video, about words affecting our DNA, has resonated with me. I am sorry if I offended you or anyone else and my deepest apologies.


      • morag-janet-of-the-hill-family

        April 1, 2023 at 5:27 pm

        You didn’t offend me but I’m glad you’re dealing with that negative vibration and turning it into a positive one 🙂