Signed: Grantor
A promissory note is a security. Security Transfer Legislation Acts states it is a financial asset if it is held in a security account. Securities are negotiable instruments, but legislation supersedes negotiable instruments law-legislation. A promissory note is your property and if it goes to the bank it falls under the sale or disposition of securities (Banking and tax legislation). It is not a contract, but a trust they are forming. An uneven exchange. They have presumed we have abandon our security. The Banks get your signature to access your security account and they should be reporting it to the taxing authority, the disposition of that security and reporting capital gains.
A Promissory Note to the Bank is in fact, saying you are the Grantor of that security and the bank didn’t give anything in exchange for it. They called it a loan, so when you give the bank a promise to pay, they actually put it into securities account which as per legislation, credits the account. Your Promissory Note credits the account and they loan it back to you. It is your credit from the trust and its only The Living that can bring value to the table, as the other entities are dead and bring nothing to the table as they are Name only/Paper Title.
You and I, are the Sole Creators of value, the Creators of Wealth, We are the Gold. In fact, Form one of birth, the physician’s note, Notification Of Birth, is actually called The Gold Standard Form.
Because the Promissory Note (Bank Loan) is ending up with a trust situation and because there is an uneven exchange and it’s your signature on that note, you are the Grantor and the bank is the Trustee and the Trustee has the obligation to perform. The Trustee is responsible for the Debt of the trust.
Our Signature Grants the paperwork and gives it value. It is our Energy that is being converted and powering the Dead System.
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