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  • What is Tax?

    Posted by yvie76 on February 8, 2023 at 12:23 pm

    Does anyone have information from credible sources in regards to:

    Why we pay tax?

    How the government distributes tax?

    Proof the government uses tax to pay for community services, education, etc?


    I’m currently studying Public Law and for one of the topics ‘the right to a fair trial’ four questions have popped up. Would be nice to know where the funds actually come from for legal aid or legal representation for individuals whether they are citizens or not and if they can afford it or not. The learning is very generalised and I feel like we are not given full disclosure about how the system truly operates? Yep going down that rabbithole need to know what really goes on with peoples tax?

    • This discussion was modified 2 years ago by  yvie76.
    yvie76 replied 1 year, 11 months ago 3 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • morag-janet-of-the-hill-family

    February 8, 2023 at 2:06 pm

    If you really want to understand how the system is set up and where everything originated and came to be what they are today then an excellent book to purchase is This book was written by a man who did intensive research after his farms were stolen from him and he was put in gaol, all for creating a product that clashed with the systems fertiliser producers. Of course there were trumped up charges. However this injustice inspired him to find out who and what is behind all of the entities operating NZ Aus UK and the US. I’ve never seen such a well researched document, fascinating reading and a bargain for the price you pay. If some one carries out a criminal act and damages his fellow then he is subject to the courts. If he is represented by a lawyer then the lawyer becomes his voice and the defendant cannot speak unless s/he is put on the stand to testify. The best remedy to this is, do NOT break the golden rule of love they neighbour. What we are usually dealing with in court is something totally different. Cal Washington from Canada and Alphonse Faggioli from the US explain it all here.

  • morag-janet-of-the-hill-family

    February 8, 2023 at 2:18 pm

    To answer your questions, in my opinion (not legal advice) 1. Legal representation means they are getting a fairer trial as they are probably incompetent when it comes to appearing in court to answer to a serious charge, depending on the quality of the defence put by the lawyer. If you have
    no money to pay a hotshot lawyer then you probably won’t be well
    defended.2. If they have no legal representation they will possibly get a harsher sentence if they do not know how to competently defend themselves . 3. The High Court enables one to mount an appeal if they believe they have been treated unjustly 4. Of course people should have their cases funded if they have no money; we are all meant to have equal access to a fair trial and just because some one is accused of a serious crime does NOT mean s/he is guilty. If poor people or people in financial straits have no access to a fair trial they could be potentially locked away with no due process, does that sound like a just system?

  • Ant_made

    February 8, 2023 at 3:25 pm

    The People are not suppose to pay tax on their labour, as this is their property or creativity. Corporations are the ones that pay tax, so the profits they make go back into the community. Unfortunately, the Big corps pay jack and the little independent ones pay the most. We pay tax, because the government sold out the People to the IMF. The Government overspends and borrows to the hilt and in return offers the tax of the country to pay the debt. All G.S.T. goes to the Military. Our Nations wealth is all our inheritance and it’s been stolen before our very eyes. Trillions and trillions leave and this system is still broken. It’s not the petrodollar the world runs on, that’s a guise so they can play with the prices, we are the commodity the system runs on.

  • yvie76

    February 10, 2023 at 12:33 pm

    Thank you for your feedback. Yes the game of Monopoly at play. I answered the questions above and received the usual blah, blah from the Facilitator and tutors. Not helpful at all and no sources to back it up. Have to do more research to make them realise the system doesn’t support the community just there back pockets.

    • morag-janet-of-the-hill-family

      February 10, 2023 at 2:44 pm

      What did you answer to the questions and what did the tutors say in reply to your answers?

  • yvie76

    February 18, 2023 at 8:56 pm
    • morag-janet-of-the-hill-family

      February 19, 2023 at 8:49 am

      Thanks for sharing very interesting, and you gave great answers in my opinion 🙂

  • yvie76

    February 19, 2023 at 9:39 am

    It would be great to know where tax goes? ATO accounts?