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Homepage Private Community Forums Minimising Tax What is Tax? Reply To: What is Tax?

  • Ant_made

    February 8, 2023 at 3:25 pm

    The People are not suppose to pay tax on their labour, as this is their property or creativity. Corporations are the ones that pay tax, so the profits they make go back into the community. Unfortunately, the Big corps pay jack and the little independent ones pay the most. We pay tax, because the government sold out the People to the IMF. The Government overspends and borrows to the hilt and in return offers the tax of the country to pay the debt. All G.S.T. goes to the Military. Our Nations wealth is all our inheritance and it’s been stolen before our very eyes. Trillions and trillions leave and this system is still broken. It’s not the petrodollar the world runs on, that’s a guise so they can play with the prices, we are the commodity the system runs on.