General Q&A: 21/08/2024
Question Answered During This Q&A Webinar
00:01:24 Morag: Q…There is a notary Public in England who will notarise documents. His name is Nigel Pugh. He will notarise affidavits by witnessing the signature remotely. He handles lots of documents from lots of countries. Does he need to intial the exhibits or is witnessing the signature and sealing the affidavit adequate?
00:01:43 Morag: Q… In NZ we can gift or sell our fee simple freehold private property to a Trust, how would we do this into a private trust as lawyers generally only recognise public trusts. Do you know how we could we do this ourselves (without a lawyer) and make it legally binding?
00:02:03 Morag: Q..Now that we have done a three step notice with the council with affidavit(using your notices in module 29 Successfully dealing With Councils as templates) asking them for evidence that they have any jurisdiction over our property (as they were claiming they could fine us) and they have not provided any, have we established that we don’t need to pay rates as well? We have taken the number off the property and sealed the mailbox. Or do we need to do another process for rates? We have no mortgage but we are on a benefit.
00:04:07 Daisy Doone: A friend of mine has a pub, obviously the have an alcohol licence, their rates are huge, they cannot keep paying it, can they , as a business, discharge the rates using a Bill of Exchange?
00:06:01 Daisy Doone: QUESTION…. re a speeding fine, the registered keeper was not the “driver”, on this particular occasion, they have told the police who was the “Driver”, but the police have ignored it and have sent a summons to the registered keeper, how does one reply counter this? They have totally ignored their communication telling the police who the driver was, What sort of counter claim could be made? Could you claim for trespass? Or something else? And can a Mackenzie friend talk for his wife who is the registered keeper/defendant, she gets bad migraines and will not be able to talk, she is already stressed about it all as it is
00:06:48 Denia: we have an accountant & public Trust. our Trust return asks if we are doing a return next year however our individual returns do not. to opt out do we say NO on Trust only. and if my partner still wishes to do a return next year can he.
00:07:40 Dennis Zapantis: Q) what is the difference in signing off “without prejudice “ and “all rights reserved “?
00:07:44 Pete:: Is it not breach of privacy when speaking with origin energy on settling a BoE matter and they claim Origin Customer service can’t deal with the matter and transfer you to their credit department, only to find the call is answered by RecoveryCorp agent acting on behalf of origin energy? Would this be good grounds to litigate ? I have this as a recorded conversation also
Q I would like to settle in ATO alleged debt with a full acceptance of their claim of liability (penalty for negligent tax return) by way of instructing the ATO “to provide an invoice so we can have the matter settled at once” as a strategy to have the debt discharged when they fail to produce an invoice on 3 requests and continue sending statements or offers on the account?
00:08:14 Mick: what effect would adding a live birth certificate to the Promissory note affidavit as evidence of life have?
00:08:40 Paul – GoldCoast: Q: How do you direct the Registrar of the Magistrates Court to award a Default Judgement when you have 3 unrebutted Notices and an Affidavit of the facts… all duly witnessed and compiled by a JP?
I contacted the court and they said it can only be done after a Statement of Claim has gone unanswered for 28 days. (Didn’t even comment on my unrebutted common law Notices)
Q: What happens if a payment is kept beyond 72 hours but then is disputed and they humbly apologise for holding the payment and they send it back. Does that reset?
Q:What happens if you issue a PN to a building company as settlement of a statement of account and they show up for payment on the designated day?
00:09:34 chippy: why do promissory notes work? why can’t the company pursuing the liability to debt come and claim what is promised? don’t you have to promise to pay money?
00:16:27 Mick: Q; can i be served by email on a new claim by the same people if they have a previous default judgement with a substituted service order?
00:20:07 Christina Husovic: Q: Hi Mark on the last zoom we had you shared a mobile number of the man that supplied you your solar panels I think it was are you able to give me the mobile number again.
00:21:46 GlenGS: Q when you ask for a government employee’s business card, indemnity Insurers name and number and they refuse they are out of uniform so are off duty.
They all deny and refuse to supply this information.
Where is the act/statute to verify this as truth to shove it in their face.
00:27:17 61409: HI Mark , I am a new member . I’m dealing with Origin re: removing a Smart meter from one of my properties. Many emails back and forth with different people responding. Some with their position in the company but others just with a first name and one without. I’m at the stage where I believe I should start charging them but am unsure of how to proceed.
00:27:42 Morag: Can some one who wants a divorce do the divorce papers privately without a lawyer?
00:31:58 GlenGS: Im certain you can do it without a lawyer but its a really dicey area and a lot can go against you if you don’t cover all the areas. I’d recommend you DEFINTIELY USE A LAWYER.
00:33:37 Paul – GoldCoast: Q: Thanks Mark. So even if I apply for a Summary Judgement will a Statement of Claim need to have been filed already(and wait 28 days)? If so, what’s the point of all the work involved with the 3 Step Notice process(to hold false claims to account) if you still have to do the mainstream court processes?
00:43:26 Craig Jones: hi Mark Q. In the context of the offer to contract (module 4 / 4b), are we giving the other party two forms of
consideration with the BoE (for $1), and the unmarked postage stamp (another $1)? Thanks
00:43:33 Mick: Q; is there an alternative if you only have your private notary, but you don’t have three witnesses for a certificate the protest?
00:43:43 Daisy Doone: @Paul you cannot see all the questions because people have not change to.. Host and panellists to everyone, that is why.
00:45:24 chippy: awesome thanks for the extra information I am understanding now.
Secondly, im having troubles understanding the process of trying to get a “certificate of birth” which is the form filled out by mother as says you’re “live”
I go to Births, deaths and marriages
Talk to clerk and request the source document for this birth certificate (give them my birth cert)
If they argue I stand the position they must have a source document for the birth cert that my mother would have filled out at the hospital and I want a copy of it
and I can stand firm that I own it, (as it’s the evidence of my live birth as a man) and they should provide a copy for free.
00:51:34 61409: Mark , can I send you an email with copies of the Origin emails to clarify the situation as I want to do this the correct way.
00:51:53 Tamati Tapara: So Just to understand what you said Mark, I did tell Latitude to prove all the Facts they did not answer any Questions I put to them about template or them not accepting. Based on what you said how do I send them a payment schedule on my correspondence and how do I notify them that I don’t accept their non acceptance
00:52:34 Daisy Doone: QUESTION… IF one gets a PO Box, and you take your post box away, do you have to tell say the council your new Contact information, ie your new PO Box address, or are you not bound to inform anyone you do not want contacting you, ie I do not want the council’s mail?
00:55:37 camille-ivorydeguzman: Q: Why is there a discrepancy on the BOE 1909 document – and the Austii web online (table of provisions)?
My accountant was being a smartass today, saying the drawee doesn’t have to accept. I told him there is dishonour and rules for non-acceptance when offer of payment is made by maker, then refused… that enough will discharge debt. Does this sound right?
00:59:28 Bond UK: in the UK when buying a property without mortgage should we register it with land registry?
01:02:29 OzPatriot: RE: Infringement (driving out of rego) initially issued post due date from: foreign owned color of law gov’ services corp’ trading as ABN: xxx. Stated position, living man not Citizen-Person-Resident, rego has subsequently been paid and accepted (back-dated ‘as if from due date’). My main argument being RTA is double dipping, a corp’ can’t back-date rego on one hand then claim driving unrego on the other, conditionally agreed to pay if they refunded the back-dated portion or restarted the rego from the paid date. Subsequently authorised discharge of debt as executor of minor estate of procedural-phantom-legal-fiction ‘All Caps Name’ (not acted upon). Requested an authorised officer-agent sign all communication-documents-forensic-evidence RTA refused-failed to sign or put a name to any doc. How do I get parasites to comply, what is my next step ?
01:03:03 Craig Jones: Q. In the “Default and Liability Clause and Notice” (module 4 / 4b – Offer to contract), how is a
default “certified”? Thanks
01:03:31 Paul – GoldCoast: Thanks Mark, your patience and consistent help is a service to humanity. Can’t tell you how much I appreciate the service, cheers Paul
01:08:36 Reagan Kloepfer: Q: Hi Mark, We are just starting to learn this knowledge, so we can move into the private realm. Do we need to begin by creating a non registered private trust? Can we then move our house to this NR private trust even when you still have a mortgage? Thank you Frank and Reagan
01:08:51 evina: Can we use a fee schedule for going to court?
01:10:03 GlenGS: @chippy …if your in NSW they have a document you fill out, pay $56 and they’ll send it to you. I went to Service NSW & it took them about 30minutes to find the document.
01:10:24 61409: Q Should I sidetrack previous Origin employees and send letter of fee schedule to the CEO of Origin ?
01:10:32 camille-ivorydeguzman: Anybody discharge debt liability with ANZ yet? 🙂
01:10:48 Paul – GoldCoast: Q: There’s a Centrelink form called a “Proof of Life Certificate.
01:12:01 Paul – GoldCoast: Q: Does the Centrelink form called a “Proof of Life Certificate” mean you don’t need to apply for a Live Birth Certificate? Or should we avoid their forms completely?
01:18:31 Jayne: How is it verified that you’ve returned a letter within the 72 hour timeframe?
01:25:14 GlenGS: @Jayne – witnessed with proof it was posted (youd need to do immediately to make sure they receive it inside the 72hrs). I send emails and at the bottom I “ALWAYS” put **THIS REPLY EMAIL SENT TO YOU HAS BEEN VIDEO RECORDED AS EVIDENCE** … I record the full actions of my mouse showing the full reply email, the date in the bottom corned then back up to the mouse pressing the send button
01:28:34 jesse: Q. Thanks Mark. I’ve had success discharging fines with AV4 process, the council has been little bit more reluctant but I’m not backing down.
After I file my counterclaim in court what’s usually the process afterwards
01:32:30 Reagan Kloepfer: Q: How can we stop paying taxes when you are employed with a company? Thanks Frank and Reagan
01:34:15 Adam James: Proof of life form. People filling it out in red pen and using their real name. then getting it notarised and sending it off.
01:36:04 OzPatriot: Thanks Mark, for last 5 years have been studying Common-Law, Quantum-Grammar and Correct-Sentence-Structure-Parse-Syntax-Grammar, I’ve had a few wins but sure has fried my melon. Is there a local community group of people with knowledge that gather to share experiences and examples. I read and read, but struggle to grasp all the concepts particularly how to make claims against parasites Acting as (official position). Gone as far as I can by myself, think I’m ready to talk to others with experience.