Alarming Statistics on Vaccination Effects and Global Population Trends

Alarming Statistics on Vaccination Effects and Global Population Trends


Single Jabbed – 98% dead by end of 2031

Double Jabbed – 70% dead by end of 2025

98% dead by end of 2026

Triple + jabbed – 100% dead by end of 2025

2025 and 2026 were forecast as far back as 1972 as being the last 2 years, and most prominent 2 years, of what the globalists called the kill phase 2022-2026 in the global population reduction/depopulation plan under Agenda 21.

Also on top of the death rate there is a birthrate decline of 75% You can clearly see already Agenda 21 and Agenda 30 playing out.

This should clearly show why a full annual detox is essential for everybody.

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  1. Full detox and learning what lies have been told to us about diet, eg veggies are superfoods, when in fact the greens and other veggies have many natural toxins in them that slowly degrade the body overtime until at last something gives. In my case it was my bowel from having lots of fibre passing through it (that’s another lie thye told us, we don’t need any fibre in our bowel and in fact it can do fatal damage over time triggering such things as ulcerative colitis and diverticulosis. The only real superfood is raw liver.