Australian state government set to inject livestock with mRNA vaccines in 2023
Finally, an issue that unites Australians. We must not give up our food sovereignty.
Background: the players
The partnering company, Tiba Biotech, states plainly on its website that their ‘collaborators and strategic partners’ include: United States National Institute of Health (NIH), US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, and The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Dr Anthony Fauci is a senior doctor with the NIH, an organisation that has performed gain-of-function (GOF) research on viruses. See for yourself on their own website. GOF research involves experimenting on a virus to (for example) increase its transmissibility or virulence and is ethically complicated.
The US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases is located in Fort Detrick, Maryland. That’s all I’m going to say about Fort Detrick, but for those who want more, they have a VERY interesting history in biological research and development.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has been heavily involved in pandemic and vaccine work globally. You probably have your own ideas about their track record and intentions, but maybe you didn’t know that Bill Gates is the largest private holder of farmland in the United States
We are not suggesting that Dr Fauci, NSW or Tiba Biotech or their partners are going to be performing gain-of-function research or buying farmland in Australia, but it’s important to understand the backgrounds of the people the NSW government is allowing into our agricultural industry. This is simply information so people can make up their own minds.
The NSW mRNA plan
Remarking on the plan to inject livestock with mRNA vaccines, NSW Minister for Agriculture Dugald Saunders said “mRNA vaccines are cheaper and quicker to produce, highly effective and very safe…they are fully synthetic.”
There are hundreds of eminent doctors and scientists discussing the risks and history of mRNA injections so I won’t describe them here. But I would say to the Minister, if these vaccines are so safe, consider that the peer-reviewed scientific journal ‘Vaccines’ is soon publishing an entire special issue entitled ‘Adverse Events of COVID-19 Vaccines.’
Also, what does it actually mean when the Minister says “they are fully synthetic”?
Further, in terms of safety, Meat and Livestock Australia managing director Jason Strong says “This type of vaccine technology may not require the longer testing and approval processes required for conventional vaccine development and importation as it does not use animal products.” Ok, but what sort of ‘testing’ will they be skipping? Be specific, release the protocols, and describe the safety implications.
The implications
The current mRNA injections are still under emergency use authorisation (EUA). Why are we going full tilt with technology that we still don’t fully understand? For example, they told us that mRNA couldn’t pass through breastmilk, but a recent study showed that it does. Will the mRNA pass into cow’s milk? It could be argued that our stomach acid and heat can denature (break down) the mRNA strands making the livestock vaccine ‘harmless’ to people. Is this true? What about the stock though? They lied about it being passed through breastmilk in the first place. Lots of things they told us about these vaccines have turned out to not be true.
In addition to human safety issues what about the ecological effects of having “synthetic” (?) mRNA in our environment, excreted through manure? Does that stay permanently in our food and water? Is it bioavailable and can it be passed throughout the food web? If these injections kill or maim stock, how does that allow Australia to adhere to our principles of animal ethics?
Australia has a tradition of protecting our food, land and water and our native flora and fauna. We may not have gotten it right every time, but we must avoid a potential ecological, safety and security catastrophe here. Pump the brakes on this. Once this genie is let out of the bottle, there is no going back. In two years we don’t want to see headlines like “Mass cattle death in NSW: scientists are baffled” or “Small town in NSW contracts mysterious illness: Australia asks the WHO for assistance.”
Take action
This is an issue that all Australians can get behind: healthy foodies, animal rights activists, environmentalists, farmers, patriots, outdoor enthusiasts, parents and grandparents, the religious, spiritual and ethical. This issue unites us all. Every Australian.
Email and ring your MPs. Let food, health, farmers, environment and animal rights groups know about this issue. Share the article with the MPs. Solutions Empowerment will be creating special non-consent forms for this purpose shortly – stay tuned!
Connect on Twitter to @ExcessDeathsAU
Source: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/australian-state-government-set-to
There was a farm in the area I live in where they were testing livestock for disease. They could n’t find any and so they kept testing until they got a positive result. Then they ordered the whole farm of jerseys (that he had been breeding for years to get the best animal) to be euthanised. Many farmers intros area that were subjected to this understandably went into depression and despair. Since then in this area we hardly ever see Jersey cows and they are usually a mix. Jersey cows give A2 milk which is much easier to digest and has a higher fat content and the black and white cows give A2 milk which is known to cause health problems in people. In my opinion they wanted to get rid of the high quality Jersey cows the farmer had spent years perfecting to make way for an inferior product to ensure that we keep suffering ill health as it is such a money spinner for the system. I hope and pray farmers are waking up to the piracy and plunder occurring and that they start to arm themselves with knowledge so they can command these pirates to leave their property and stop following their ridiculous mandates.
I have (finally) come to the conclusion that absolutely nothing the gruberment and/or the mainstream media money whores recommend is ‘good for our health’ is actually going to be good for our health, in fact, it will be the very opposite… So, I now have a simple ‘golden rule’ to follow, whatever they are trying to convince me to do… I do the exact opposite!… I ignore their lies, follow common sense, drink pure water, eat the foods God has provide d for optimal health… I stay away from doctors ( some of them are dumb enough to be injected with a fake vaccine ) nurses & hospitals, pharma drugs etc, and the last time I had a cold/flu was in 2010
Let food be thy medicine… In this day & age, with the asylum run by the insane… Let non GMO and mRNA food be thy medicine… The best is, Let organic food be thy medicine!