Doublespeak in gov vaccine documents. if you got fired must read this transcript
DANGER-WORD-OF-DOUBLE-SPEAK-INCLUDE: by: Romley Stewart, Justinian Deception.
I want to show you a word that is very important. It’s used, especially by politicians and the main stream media to act as a form of DOUBLE-SPEAK.
It’s a very clever word and its one of those words that can be used in a-way that explains something in a different light, what is assumed.
So you will see all the government documents they sent you and probably the companies documents, that are about having to be vaccinated or you were not allowed back onto the work site, if they have the word “include” or “including”, without also or and before it is actually excluded. This is a major break though for our case and I will be contacting the company we are up against about it and how everything in their documents they sent us was actually excluded. This is a very good read. you can also watch the video, the link is included in the word doc.
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