General Q&A: 19/07/2023

Question Answered During This Q&A Webinar

00:31:32 Brad: Q. Mark in the Examination hearing can I request leave from the court to have the judgement set aside?

00:32:49 Danny384: Q Would the non consent process work in a magistrate civil proceeding to the valve of $50,000 or less?

Or is the non consent process mostly for infringement cases?

00:35:53 Terence Peter: Q Dismissal via redundancy.  Fair work claim made.  Harsh dismissal on grounds of zero consultation.  How do I guide the commissioner to go for the maximum payout.  Any general Strategy and psyop ideas?

00:41:20 Claude: Comment: I have not been able to find $1 stamps at all in Melb,  so I have had to resort to x5 20c stamps.

00:42:24 Terence Peter: Q Re prev divorce.  Would a simple outline of case be

00:45:07 sandi: Re divorce: when you look at definitions, it kind of spells out that the Wife’s SOLICOTOR, has Proposed to Engage her (by letter of engagement), and essentially became party to contract… . im pretty sure he is acting as a Bankrupcy trustee as it says in the acts/regulation that ‘marriage includes void marriages’  ……..therefore, Can you add a the solicitor of the spouse and if its been going on for 16months, demand that their asssets and liabilities are included into family splits

00:50:58 Terence Peter: Q re divorce. Ideas for general outline 1 Do you agree i’m a man and what acts apply to a man? 2 registration of live birth 3 Genesis 1:26 4.  Questions I used in demand notices 5.  Mark 10:5 Let no man break what I have joined together Any other ideas?

01:02:30 michael John X: Q. I delivered my demand notices by hand and video recorded the delivery. Is that a sufficient method of delivery ?

01:03:58 Danny384: Q when in civil proceeding as a defendant what name/s can you use to address the plaintiff?

01:04:50 FEPbear: Hi Mark, I was pulled over for RBT yesterday, and it turns out my QLD All Rights Reserved licence is suspended and they gave me notice to appear in court and get my thumbprints taken at the police station, Is this notice an offer I can return to the police station by noon Friday?

01:07:09 Terence Peter: Q re Redundancy. As well as Fair work Application, Not enough compensation, capped.  Would you do a PAP with the employer around breaking of contract by unfair harsh process and go for a larger payout.  Also Child support has just kicked in thru the employer and they made a deduction from my pay without my consent out of my severance.  Go for the employer over this?  Obviously I’m going after Child support to stop re jurisdiction.  DO child support have to wait for the divorce to be finalised, not finalised?

01:19:37 Catherine Urban: Q – Is it a good idea to have separate banks for accounts for trusts and foundations? Or should we just do it through the one bank?

01:26:30 sandi: Q. If a document from court doesnt have the judges real name, just asys BY THE COURT, no signature or

court seal (but a watermark) that is not a valid judgment is it?

Which would mean that Judgment hasnt been delivered so still open?

To my understanding Open Judgment that can be claimed by party entitled to it (ie if the plaintiff isnt entitled to a judgment) and if they dont then the other praly not titled to  claim it

can do so.

Is that accurate and do you have any advice on getting judgment in favour as a defendant (that hasnt filed a counter-claim, but hasnt entered an appearence or submitted defence either),

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