General Q&A: 14/06/2023
Question Answered During This Q&A Webinar
00:05:17 Shaun: Question -Hi Mark. does moving your land title to allodial conflict with putting it in your unregistered trust?
00:05:39 Chris: Q: After sending an agreement for revised electricity rates to Tango energy, with a $1000 bank cheque. They had 72 hours to take $450 for my currant bill and return the remaining $550 to me if they didn’t agree to the terms. 7 weeks later they tried to renegotiate another deal and even credit me $100 but I said I was happy with the rates in the agreement they had already agreed to. Disputes resolution team said 72 hours was not enough time, the agreement was just a piece of paper and only electricity providers can come up with new rates. (all untrue) He said he does not know what to do with the cheque, I told him as Tango has already agreed to the new rates, credit it to my account. 2 weeks later the entire $1000 cheque has been returned to me via registered post with no letter to explain why. It took them exactly 72 days to return the cheque. What is the saying? “A payment refused is…..” Should I now send another letter to the CFO and push to have them clear the current debt as they have refused payment?
00:05:40 Claude: Q) I have sent 3 notices for a parking infringement using the conditional acceptance, and then Melb City Council replied after the final notice due date without replying to each point as requested and say that the fine still stands and they will not enter into further correspondence about the fine and have given me a deadline to pay the fine (if I don’t pay the fine will escalate) or request to have the matter heard in court,…. What would you advise?
00:05:54 Claude: Q) At a recent court hearing in the magistrates court I mentioned to the Judicial Registrar (JR) who was running the proceeding that if the matter goes to a contest hearing I would be up for the cost of the fine, council and Lawyer fees of about $350. So I said to the JR if I win the case or have the matter dismissed sine die I will seek costs for my time ($300). The JR said that that would only apply if I had legal representation like a Lawyer, and not if I was self representing. How would you respond?
-How can we claim for costs in a proceeding when we are not lawyers etc?
00:06:29 Cynthia Louise Dellit: Question: Do you believe there is much protection to be had by claiming allegiance to the original Commonwealth of Australia, under the original Constitution?
00:06:40 Brad: Q. Hi Mark, on our UCC1 filing we are advising the public that we are the Secured Party Creditors. Is this just a change of status for the statutory instrument? It doesn’t relate to the living man? I’ve heard Winston Shroud is in jail for putting man down as the secured party creditor? Thankyou
00:06:55 Maria: Do u have to pay stamps duty to transfer ownership to alloidal title?
00:07:00 Shaun: Question – Hi Mark. do you know of any brokers that will let you purchase shares in an unregistered trust account? My trust account is with Commonwealth but their Commshares trading arm would not let me set up an account.
00:07:49 Maria: what is difference between a trust you do and Pma ( private members association)
00:08:30 Cynthia Louise Dellit: Question: Is Queensland a particularly bad State to hold land title in? And if so, why is that? I’m hearing often now that Qld Gov is especially bad.
00:11:28 Ingrid: Hi Mark,
My partner has a property that he owns outright and would like to rent it out.
I have a Private New Humanity Foundation.
Are we able to have the rental income paid into the foundation and if not, what would be the correct process please?
00:11:32 Cynthia Louise Dellit: Question: What are your thought on the Northern Rivers Exit movement? Do you have any idea if their approach is legitimate? With thanks as always Mark
00:12:38 Brad: Q. Mark I have certificates of default and dishonour for PN’s that weren’t redeemed by the bank, I’m in the supreme court of nsw tomorrow looking for an adjournment to complete my P.A.P. How could I use this in my defence? Thankyou
00:14:13 Angela Spiteri: Q: Just over 1 year ago we invested in solar panels to help alleviate electricity costs. The honeymoon period offered by the electricity company has now ended and gone from 17c feed in tariff down to 8c feed in tariff. My question is can I tidy up the bill and keep it at 17c feed in? By treating it as a contract? Thank you
00:15:19 Cynthia Louise Dellit: Question: Concerning getting your Driver’s License from another State. What sort of paper work is involved for the friend concerned whose address you would be using? Is it a Stat Dec/Affadavit or nothing so serious? I live in Qld, & he is in NSW
00:15:49 Brad: Q. Mark could you explain the power of estoppels on your/our notices?
00:17:46 Ian Passmore: what can I do when the court refuses to do a default judgment. it’s against the qld government
00:18:17 Cynthia Louise Dellit: Question: I have a State Superannuation pension from a career teaching in Universities. Does this count as accepting a benefit from the Public? Especially as I am seriously into exit strategies. I live in Qld now, & the Super is from South Australia.
00:21:45 Cynthia Louise Dellit: Question: How are you going with your Principality plans? Is it correct that there are many micro nations being established (or trying to) worldwide now? How savage is the pushback likely to be?
00:22:11 Grant: Q. If I have an adverse letter from Services Australia that docks money from my weekly wage, How do I send the letter back and improve the conditions in my favour?
00:23:24 Cynthia Louise Dellit: Question: Once you invoke the office of the Comm Public Official during a court hearing, can the judge/magistrate refuse to hear you?
00:24:15 Terence Peter: QQ I have a divorce phone hearing tomorrow. 1st hearing in matter. SA. I’m asking for an adjournment. Been doing a priv. d judgement with the assistant registrar re jurisdiction to hear the matter. My Final Notice is in. Expires in 6 days then lodge affidavit etc. Been to court with police. Ok with that part. I have a written request in the system a week ago for an adjournment. They have ignored it. I filed a Notice of Response to divorce not consenting at this stage on my Notice. Not Theirs. They sent me their form. I challenged this in my adjournment request as a means to get an adjournment, not full disclosure. I lodged an affidavit of renouncement of many things including of jurisdiction of Federal court family court of Aus with Final notice. Any strategy to prevent getting railroaded and getting the adjournment.
00:24:40 Ray klingler: to present for someone else if you have POWER OF ATTORNEY established they have no choice for you to speak on someone’s behalf
00:28:57 Cynthia Louise Dellit: Question: Did you get your Certificate of Live Birth Notarized and then Apostilled? And if so, have you used it successfully as I.D? Can the authorities refuse to acknowledge it as your legitimate I.D?
00:30:42 Apollosix: Q: Have you heard of writing a petition to remove nonage? (nonage means infancy
00:39:49 Ray klingler: In the USA any estate over 2 million is taxed at 50% over that threshold so estate planning needs to happen before , ministry ,trusts , foundations etc . 50% of income is able to be gifted to ministries.
00:44:48 Rod Sutton: Q- with respect to Claude’s 3 notice question what is the action we take when an entity states you that they will not enter into further correspondence?
01:04:11 Danny Massa: Q. I have a small Pty Ltd company in Sydney. I am the only director and I own the 2 shares. I am also the secretary. I have heard that if the above is the case the Director ID does not apply? Also it stated that if the company has its own constitution then it overrides any Director ID requirement?
01:05:54 Danny Massa: Q. I have heard that with common law we are still slaves but not slaves with Office of Man. Can you explain this as I have never heard of Office of Man. The person is in USA.
01:21:15 If a bank takes your promissory note and lends you back the same value plus interest is that not fraud for not disclosing the swap in the mortgage contract. What steps to get rid of a mortgage