Webinar: Prevent your children being vaccinated at school
Hi Folks,
Our next Solutions Empowerment Wednesday night webinar at 7pm Sydney/Melbourne/Brisbane time on 1 September 2021 titled “Prevent your children being vac..cinated at school” is a consequence of requests from several concerned members who are fretting the school may take their children away to be vac..cinated as was done to 24,000 Sydney children, several of which died on the spot from the vac..cine.
We apologise for the rearrangement of the schedule, due to the above request but also because our guest speaker has not yet replied to us.
Needless to say we all have a duty to protect our families, so spread the message far & wide, we’ll give some precise directions on what you can do to prevent your loved ones, your children, from being jab..ed.
Of course our regular Q & A session follows immediately after at 8.15pm so bring your questions.
Looking forward to another empowering presentation.
Also keep in mind, the Truckies strike commencing 31 August 2021 on the state borders & where possible, to support them with posters, cameras, food etc
All recordings showing any detrimental action should be immediately uploaded to youtube/bitchute so as to be published. Even the blind can see there’s an undeclared war on the population of every country by the elite.
This is the time to step up & forward, for you, your family & your community.
MEMBERS-ONLY (optional additional purchase)
Module 50 – “Prevent Your Children From Being Vaccinated At School” documents pack is now available.
You may purchase these support documents for an additional (affordable) fee with immediate download. They are available if you’d like to save lots of time by having our documents ready to support you on your way whilst providing valuable guidance. Experience level of 20+ years.
MEMBERS-ONLY Recording of Q&A Session
Kindest Regards
Mark & team
Solutions Empowerment