General Q&A: 11/12/2024

Question Answered During This Q&A Webinar

00:08:09 dail bird: Q: Our friends who have not paid rates for 5 years have just received a notice to Auction his property. what would you recommend his actions be?

00:09:43 Gabriel Fariña Rieder: Q: Hi Mark, how could one go about setting up joint ventures between public companies, privatly? I mean, charging a sum for the joint venture idea between two public companies that would profit them while myself remaining in the private.

00:10:37 Angelina T Ginis: I purchased a non registered trust account today and have not received any information as yet to my email.

00:14:04 Dennis: Q) when doing the PAP for a liability claim such as slipping over in a supermarket, and you have suffered harm, loss and injury, can you briefly go thru the various stages of the PAP process.

00:15:36 dail bird: Q; What would be your take on council pleading that because our non mortgaged property is registered with the titles office, as the Registered owners we are obligated to pay rates.

00:24:03 Gabriel Fariña Rieder: Q: If you were 23y.o. what would be your first steps of action to make a living, privately?

00:26:29 Jade: Q… Hi Mark, With shares in property in a public company, is it possible for one out of the 9 shares to set up a private trust for the individual share?

00:27:11 Lee-Lee Kl: Hi Mark. I have filed my Statement of claim, in the supreme court,
Q: do I send the Notice to admit facts after we serve it on the defendants?

00:28:31 Lee-Lee Kl: Q: Do I list all the questions and evidence I want them to provide from the Statement of claim?

00:31:47 dail bird: Q: Having just filed an application for default judgement, we were told by the courts clerks that a respondent cannot file for default judgement, only the Plaintiff. Is this just a load of B/S.

00:32:29 Lee-Lee Kl: Q: what do we do after we submit the 4th Non consent to Digital ID docs? Is it a court process after that?

00:39:09 wj: Q. Synergy have said they don’t accept ‘illegitimate’ bills of exchange as payment ..

They say that form isn’t part of the contract. I asked for the signed contract and they said they don’t need wet ink contracts .

I’m thinking to let this one go as I have other things in the wings atm

00:44:32 wj: Q. Is the cert of protest/dishonour a major part of finalising the payment process?

If you make a mistake on that cert is it important ?

The biggest thing I’m finding is missing in the modules is wrapping up , in detail, the boe/pn/a4v . The end of those processes and the protest/dishonour part .

00:46:11 wj: Q. Also defending yourself when asked for receipts after doing a tax return and audit was triggered

01:02:37 wj: Q. What do I do now I’ve sent DLCN with BOE , had no response after 21 days now do I start the 3 letter process with invoices ?

01:04:01 Jayne: What would you do in this situation Mark – you are arrested by the police & taken into custody over a traffic matter for not providing a licence, not telling them who you are, not answering questions etc. They keep you in custody overnight and then take you straight to court the next day. What would you say to the magistrate in the court?

01:04:48 wj: Q. Regarding the AEC , what’s the best way to get your name taken off the voting roll?

01:08:26 wj: Jayne , the public governance performance accountability act has a rule book that goes with it .. read the 2013 act and read the 2014 rules .. not hard reading .

Look for any reference to governing a non corporate entity as the are legally separate to us ..

Pretty sure I think it’s the rules where it says something like they need a name to provide a service and if they are to provide a service they need consent ..

I only just learned about the rule book .. the rule book also talks about repayment and pursuing debt from us .. very interesting read

01:09:56 Shannon: Q: I have a “subject to finance” purchase contract for a property, but the bank have now decided not to approve the loan. is there a way to use a PN to settle the contracted obligation?

01:14:43 OzMark: During a conversation, A Judge I met at a dinner was absolutely sure that Statutes are the highest Law and Parliment is the supreme lawmaker. What would you say to this please Mark? Is it true?

01:18:36 OzMark: Mark, did you ever resolve the By Accomodation issue please?

01:20:00 wj: Welcome Jayne … was very surprised when I stumbled on the rule book to go with the act

Currently served a notice for further and better particulars & notice of show cause to a QLD council… the darn CEO used his ego to reply to me. Claiming no sovereign citizen stuff was ever successful. He claims we are both wasting our time and for me to get lawyer lol…. should I just default him after the 21 days? Then progress on as a plaintiff as I’m sure they don’t want to have a round table….

01:31:24 David: Hi Mark, Q Can you explain How Ibbit v NSW Police deems RBT as unlawful please.

01:32:03 OzMark: The BDMarriages office in Manchester are absolutely refusing to give me a copy of my Source doc and the local councilor won’t do anything. What legal or lawful process can I use to force them to provide a copy of the registry entry please Mark?

01:32:51 Shannon: regarding my question above, should the PN go to my bank or the conveyancer?

01:41:04 wj: Q. Can I set up a non registered trust after the ato has disqualified me from being a trustee?

01:41:57 wj: Am I best getting mum to go trustee?

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