General Q&A: 20/11/2024

Question Answered During This Q&A Webinar

00:01:10 Kevin: Hi Mark. Apologies for there being a bit of reading.
Q…Would you advise against serving a commpany (Loan Manager co.) a 2nd statutory demand as they used a legal loophole in the Corporations Act where the Registrar dismissed the company’s application to set aside the SD on jurisdictional grounds? In the Federal Court hearing, they used excuse of attempting to serve me a copy of their application to set aside SD informally via email despite my email address not being listed as the service address on the SD. They gave the Registrar the excuse that they couldn’t access the electronic court filed documents until 2 days after the 21 day statutory period had expired and therefore couldn’t serve me in time. As the Corporations Act has no provision to deal with such a situation, the company’s application was dismissed without the Registrar giving me any opportunity to make any submissions/present evidence prior to making his decision.

00:01:12 Kevin: Q…Would you write on the SD “email/informal service not accepted” to stop the jurisdictional issue from possibly happening again? Would it be valid to write this on the SD?

00:01:22 Kevin: Q…What inexpensive next steps could I take to recover debt? I could appeal but this is expensive ($6K filing fee). Do you think I have grounds for a successful appeal? The Registrar never asked the plaintiff what the correct address for service was. However, he did say “I don’t know if informal service has occurred in some other way”. I have email evidence that contradicts the evidence given by the legal counsel for LM company with respect to them trying to serve me informally. Solictor sent me their SD application documents by email 2 days late to give me a heads up as court hearing was scheduled a week later.

00:02:06 Kevin: Q…In non-criminal matters (e.g. civil – statutory demand matter) are you concerned about joindering with your legal name? In my Federal Court matter, after introducing myself to the Court stating “I answer to that name out of necessity, I reserve my rights then quickly move on, the Registrar responded with “I appreciate that DOE is a name that you may be known by but may not necessarily be a name you subscribe to, but may I address you as Mr DOE for the purpose of this morning?”, would you respond with something like “Sir, with respect, do as you wish, this is your Court”?

00:03:04 Sabi Hassan: hi mark, we live just an hour from the new GSP in Casino. Did you convert the land to an alloidal title? Did you discharge the full mortgage? Did you put the property in a unit trust or discretionary trust?

00:03:24 Jeanette: Q I met with a Jp today to certify promissory note docs and he wouldn’t certify the copy of the fines Vic doc because I had altered it….thoughts please

00:08:34 Sabi Hassan: what method did you use to qualify for the mortgage and what entity bought the property?

00:11:51 Shaun M: Q – Can you please share some more specifics about your new breakaway principality? Thank you

00:12:18 Christina Husovic: Q: Hi Mark I just just renewed my license and managed to sign it with all rights reserved. The problem is they now get you to sign on a drawing tablet and the signature doesn’t come out very good. I scribbled my signature on top of the all rights reserved and you can hardly see the all rights it is smudgy but what is visible is the reserved. Is that still ok or not.

00:12:39 Juan: Question: When writing your terms for a contract, instead of gluing pages to form one contract, will a staple of the pages get the same result?

00:12:54 Juan: Question: Where the biller has held onto the Bill Of Exchange and cancels my services, as I am in Victoria can I go to the VCAT (tribunal) to get remedy? Total bill amount is about $450.

00:13:03 Juan: Question: Australian Tax Office rejected my redrafting of claims as per module tax minimizing module and then said they will send me a letter with the legislation as to why they allowed some and not other claims i.e ‘Other expenses’. What is the best way to address this? Given the letter I am receiving is not an order or statement can I use ‘Module 4b – How to Accept an Offer to Form a Contract in Your Favor – Part 2’ remedy? Or something else to pursue the return of my property?

00:14:09 Razz: Q. The ATO has sent me an offer to contract about a Work Related Expense audit as I am a PAYG employee and triggered their audit criteria. Would the best response be to make it a conditional acceptace and turn the document into a contract with a $1 stamp on it as consideration with a default and liability clause? Would this be the best method to get them to return the money that has been stolen from me throughout the year?

00:15:12 Damo & Maria: I have a 100k tax debt I need settled, What is the most successful process? BOE or Promissory note? and whatever the process are we able to pay you to set up the process? I have all your modules but im still not totally sure on how to set it out to send off ie titled page and attached contract

00:17:19 Camille-Ivory’s iPhone: Damo do the long form PN method together with letter of fiduciary and cover letter.

Send via registered post

00:19:34 Chris Timbury: Have amended tax returns and BAS that are several years old through Mygov

00:20:13 Kevin: As it has been a few weeks since my Statutory Demand Court hearing occurred, is it too late for me to request a default judgement? Do you have any examples of these in the moduies?

00:20:38 Sabi Hassan: is there anyway I can get the retainer fee back from citizenship lawyer, they only returned a part of it and saying that they have used most of it.

00:20:43 501235: Q do you have to ask a question 3 times in a row or can you ask twice then come back later & ask the question for a third time to get the power to answer on their behalf

00:21:33 Camille-Ivory’s iPhone: Q: Thank you Mark for all that you do. What documents can we show a sheriff incase they turn up on behalf of a financier? This is post PN method and post default notice. I’ve even sent a withdrawal of consent to share details as per privacy act. (This has worked a treat for me by the way everyone)

00:24:13 Sabi Hassan: who is the trustee of your trust?

00:28:54 Sabi Hassan: how to get allodial title?

00:29:21 Lillypond: So pay cash and still ask for alloidial title?

00:30:19 Sabi Hassan: how to get our nation set up?

00:30:40 Kevin: Q…Can I alter the terms of an electricity company’s market retail contract any time during the contract period (no signed contract exists) adding my terms using a copy of their latest bill which has their corporate signature on it and account balance also on it?

00:33:02 Camille-Ivory’s iPhone: Q: What are your thoughts on registering our names on ASIC as a business name? Will this act like a common law copyright?
On another note, excited about your new Principality/nation 🙂
Will you have diplomatic status for us one day for it?

00:35:57 matt: Hi Mark, Is it important to gain your source document before establishing your position as a living wo/man? ie reconveying. Also I was born in the UK, I have heard of people living in the UK have had trouble getting the source document. What do youthink is the best way forward in obtaining my source document?

00:38:15 Kevin: Q…Could I include a copy of the electricity company’s market retail contract as page 2 to 12 say of new contract (page 1 is the bill) crossing out their unfavourable terms and adding my terms to it and make it not negotiable and give them 72 hours to return it if they don’t accept it?

00:39:54 501235: Q – If submitting a complaint to AFCA (about FOI – branch manager wrote “personal interactions” on my FOI request) caused problems trying to get data from CBA. THIS IS BLATANT FRAUD. Do I send my affidavit or JP signed letter to AFCA with the FOI FRAUD document or do I save it to send with MOD 16 (default,liability & notice to the CBA)


00:41:01 Daisy Doone: QUESTION ….. HI, Is the Clearfield Doctrine world wide, I know the case law is in the USA, but does it apply everywhere else….”All courts where dissolved in 2008 under the clearfield doctrine, then became registered companies on Dunn and Bradstreet company search, government then becomes bound by the rules and laws that govern private corporations” , so, Do all corporations, including the courts need a contract with me? I know you will know this, so I am sorry for the quote, but is everything under the Clearfield Doctrine. Governments, courts, utilities, etc are they all liable to the Clearfield doctrine, Thank you.

00:41:43 501235: Q SORRY couldn’t paste the info fro above FOI Bank CBA ISSUE

00:49:34 Kathryn Kartikeyan: Could you train someone to help us as you are very busy.

00:54:06 Lillypond: I put arr under my signature on tax return and they are taking months to access it.

01:05:43 ‘Kurt’: Q do you offer ucc1 statement modules? [Zev (warrior at law) provides this for a lot of funds…]

01:09:07 Sabi Hassan: so you are the beneficiary of the trust, too?

01:10:45 Muzz: If you bought crypto in your own name and then transferred the funds into the private trust account can the pirates get their hands on the profits

01:11:03 Muzz: Q If you buy a property through your non registered trust do you have to pay stamp duty?

01:24:51 Kevin: Q…As both the electriciy bill and Market Retail Contract have the corporate seal on it, does this mean I can use the electricity bill and the Market Retail Contract any time during the contract period (no signed contract exists) and create a new contract including both documents in the new contract with my terms crossing out their unfavourable terms and adding my terms to it and make it not negotiable and give them 72 hours to return it if they don’t accept it? What would make it a unilateral contract?

01:29:27 501235: Q copyrighting name do you use
first name – middle name – last name
first name – last name

01:31:18 Camille-Ivory’s iPhone: Whatever you would normally use to sign documents or whatever is on your ID’s- passport, licence

01:36:59 Robin Greenfield: Success have used 3 letter process and nor paid electric, gas for 3 years thanks Mark

01:39:33 Kevin: Robin Greenfield – did you send any payment with your notices?

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