Webinar: Deal with an infringement/fine/penalty from a state debt recovery office, protect your license from fines, reinstate your license
An increasing concern to many folks is the ever increasing amount on as well as the ever increasing frequency of infringements and fines from various corporations, including state penalty organisations, councils and others. Does your household feel the financial pressures of ever increasing fines and infringements?
Learn how to;
1. Prevent fines – infringements arising, and
2. How to deal with them – using multiple options, and
3. How to reinstate licenses over the telephone
Such fines and infringements are taking a large and increasing percentage of the family budget, sometimes sufficient to deprive families from financial resources to even pay their mortgage, and before you know, the Banks are calling in the loan or commencing litigation to take possession of the property!
Don’t allow it to happen.
MEMBERS-ONLY (optional additional purchase)
Module 36 – “Deal with an infringement/fine/penalty from a state debt recovery office, protect your license from fines, reinstate your license” documents pack is now available.
You may purchase these support documents for an additional (affordable) fee with immediate download. They are available if you’d like to save lots of time by having our documents ready to support you on your way whilst providing valuable guidance. Experience level of 20+ years.
Kindest Regards
Mark & team
Solutions Empowerment
Mark, I have a Vic issued licence and was fined on Thu (4 Aug) for the first time in over a decade in country Queensland. At the 8min mark you state this is a level of protection. What is the process? Go to court and inform them they have no jurisdiction over someone else’s licence? Offer to have the fine forwarded to Vic Police as a show of good faith?
Is there a notice for the money order to send them $5 a month (path of least resistance) in the document pack? or are they just supporting documents for the other processes?
Fines are crazy now. I was 10km over and got a $435 fine. Criminals